Adoption of Amendment 19 to Annex 13

Circular Ref: NSIB/CCEO/RC/AC./24/Vol.1/001


NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT 19 (NPA) TOANNEX13–To All Relevant Civil Aviation Operators, Aviation Stakeholders and the Public

I have the honour to inform you that Amendment 19 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation (Annex13totheConvention on International Civil Aviation) was adopted by the Council at the fifth meeting of the ICAO 231st Session on 18th March 2024.

Copies of the Adoption of the Amendment are available on the Bureau’s portal: All relevant Civil Aviation Operators, Aviation Stakeholders and members of the Public are by this Notice, invited to provide the Bureau with their comments on the proposed adoption of the Amendment in pursuance of Rule of the Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau Investigation Rulemaking Handbook.
The comments in writing shall:

1. State the name and address of the commenter;
2. Explain the interest of the commenter;
3. Contain any information, views or arguments supporting the comments.
All comments shall be submitted in hard and soft copies within thirty (30) daysfrom21st
June 2024 and addressed to:
The Director General/CEO
Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau
Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
Attention: The Chairperson, Regulations Committee

Kindly consider the copy on the Bureau’s website as sufficient Notice and if no comments are received by the deadline, the ICAO’s amendment will be adopted “as is” for the Bureau’s further necessary action.

Please accept my esteemed assurances of best regards

Capt. Alex S. Badeh

Director General


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